Thursday, October 24, 2013


I have an imaginary rival. His name is Sam. We are always in contests together. I always win them. Sam doesn't like that. A couple years ago Sam joined forces with my imaginary super rival. His nephews, John, Sam And Boom are very fast. We always have our contests in a office building. All the desks always have buckets of candy on them. When I win, I get every single bucket of candy. And did I tell you that my super rival has an onion head? I am always caught day dreaming about me Sam and the guy with the onion head. I also have a stuffed monkey named Sam. He and Jaspers monkey named Steve go on lots of adventures. Jasper and I usually make special Tinkertoy houses for them. I seem to really like the name Sam.

1 comment:

  1. Eben,
    When your mama was little she had an imaginary friend named Denny. Whenever she got in trouble she would tell me that Denny did it. I think you should let Sam win every once in awhile. It would make him feel better. I love that you have such a great imagination and I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.
