Friday, April 17, 2015

Minecraft instructions 10

Today I will teach you how to make a pressure plate activated piston door. First, put two cobblestone towers, two blocks high each right next to each other. Then on the long side of your wall, with the sticky facing the cobblestone, put two sticky pistons one on top of the other, one block away. Then put a block of cobblestone on the back of the top piston and right underneath that, a redstone torch. Repeat this on the other side. Then starting at the torch, dig a two block deep trench outward and then to the side. Make sure that there is a step between the torch and the turn. After that, fill the trench with redstone wire. Then put two blocks on the top layer of the trench right in front of the door. On top of those put pressure plates. Then you can cover up all of the other mechanics. Now when you step on the pressure plate, your wall opens up.


  1. Eben,
    You really, really like Minecraft. I don't understand it, but that's ok, because I'm Nonnie and Nonnie's aren't supposed to understand that kind of stuff. I just really, really like you. In fact, I love you soooooooooooooooo much.

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