Tuesday, January 19, 2016

House Mat

Once upon a time, there was a mat. The mat was in a house. The house was in Antarctica. The mat went over to the window. It tried to climb out. He reached it easily. Unfortunately, it was not a window that opened. So it crawled over to the door. The door opened. The mat went out. He met a man named Amram. Amram made the mat his slave. While he was there, he met someone named Jochebed. She let him out. So the mat went outside. Where he got struck by lighting. The lightning caused him to fly into the sky. He flew all the way to India. In India he got turned into a carpet. The carpet went over to a basket to sleep in. The basket had a snack in it. the carpet ate the snack. The basket also had a snake in it. The snake bit the carpet. Its tooth got stuck in his thread. As the carpet ran away, he slowly unwound. When he stopped running, he was a mat again. The mat went into a bar. He got punched in the face. The mat went out of the bar. The mat went to a desert. There was a trampoline in the desert. The mat bounced on the trampoline. The mat kept jumping on the trampoline. By now, you have read enough of this story to figure out that after he jumped enough, he would bounce away to another far of country. He didn't. He just kept bouncing until he got bored. Then he got off of the trampoline. And for all I know, he is still in India to this day. The End.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, but here is an important question. How do you know that the mat was a he? Well, besides the fact that it is your story. Lots of traveling and unraveling in this story, which is cool, because that rhymes.
    I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
