Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ninjago spinners!

Jasper and I love to play with Ninjago spinners. This is what ours looks like. It has skulls on it. 
 These are our guy's weapons. There's a thingy, a sword and a golden axe.
 These are our guys. They are a skeleton and a ninja. The ninja is called Zane. The skeleton is called Bonezi.
 This is how my guy goes. He gets the axe and the sword.
This is how Jasper's guy goes. He gets the thingy. 

1 comment:

  1. Eben,
    Wow! Good pictures of your Ninjago spinners (which I have never heard of, but that's probably because I'm a girl and a Nonnie). But, anyway they look cool and I can tell that you and Jasper are having a lot of fun with them. I especially like the "thingy" that Jasper's guy has. And I also especially love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.
