Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Strong Bape of Tender once again part five

The Strong Bape of Tender took the ice cream to a scientist. The scientist told him that there was a thing in the ice cream that was spraying gun-powder into the ice cream. So the Strong Bape of Tender went to the ice cream factory. He went to talk to the guy in charge.The guy in charge said that they kept finding little balls so they put them in the ice cream. The Strong Bape of Tender asked why they were putting the balls into the ice cream.
 "We put them in because they smelled good," said the guy in charge. Here, smell a ball. The Strong Bape of Tender took a ball and smelled it. It smelled like something that smelled really good!
"It really smells good!" said the Strong Bape of Tender.
"But when it gets cold it explodes," said the guy in charge.
"But if they explode when it is cold why do you put them in the ice cream?" asked the Strong Bape of Tender.
"Ummm… well… I never really thought about that…," said the guy in charge.

                                                    TO BE CONTINUED…AGAIN…FOUR TIMES...

1 comment:

  1. Eben,
    This is the story that keeps on going. Maybe one day you could make it into a book. Exploding ice cream - intrigue (look it up in the dictionary), danger and excitement. I await Part Six. I love you sooooooooooooooooo much.
